Stránka 1 z 1 (3.10.2019)

Napsal: 04 říj 2019 19:11
od michal
- 0009097: [Master Lists - Addresses] Repeat button missing for the notes. If Repeat is used, and then you combine duplicates, your notes will be lost (Ken McGinnis) - uzavřený.
- 0008683: [Tools - Advanced Set Living] Advanced set living can only be put to 200 years but the option "what age to presume a person is dead" allows over 200 (Ken McGinnis) - uzavřený.
- 0009402: [Legacy Modules - FamilySearch] LegacyFS not showing ordinances (Luc Comeau) - uzavřený.
- 0009403: [Tabs - Family View] Invisible Spouses cause problem in Family View (Ken McGinnis) - uzavřený.
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